Immediate Litigation
Prior to forwarding a case to an attorney, or our on staff Para legal, all cases are thoroughly researched and investigated. An asset investigator is tasked to conduct a Financial Profile Search on the debtor company and its principals. Information developed in this investigation will identify the legal structure of the company, all-responsible parties, background information, bank/creditor relationships, registered agent/address and confirm process service address.Bankruptcies, insolvency’s and defunct corporations are ferreted out of the primary case stream and further due diligence may be performed to produce our course of action. This preliminary due diligence insures that only qualified cases with a visible potential for recovery are forwarded to attorneys for final collection.
Our recommendation will be one of three things.
- If after a thorough investigation of the facts surrounding the case and of the debtor’s assets, we determine the possibility of recovery is not likely we will recommend closure of the case. You will owe us nothing for this.
- If after a thorough investigation of the facts surrounding the case and of the debtor’s assets, we determine the possibility of recovery is good without the need of litigation we will recommend you submit the case into our No Recovery No Fee Service.
- If our recommendation is litigation you will have a decision to make.
If you decide not to proceed with legal action we will drop the case and you will owe us nothing.
If you decide to proceed with legal action, you will be required to pay the upfront legal costs such as court costs, filing fees, etc., these fees typically range from $500.00 to $2000.00 depending on the debtors jurisdiction. Upon payment of these funds, our affiliated attorney will file a lawsuit on your behalf for all monies owed including but not limited to the cost to file this action.
If we do collect you owe us the following: 25% of the amount collected.